811 W. John Street, Yorkville, IL 60560
For 24/7 Mental or Public Health Emergencies, call 630-553-9100
Mon 8:30am - 4:30pm  •  Tue - Thu 8:30am - 7:00pm  •  Fri 8:30am - 4:30pm

Coronavirus Disease Update for Kendall County

February 15, 2021
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Case Counts* in Kendall County

Total Cases in Residents: 10816

New Cases**: 16

Total Cases of Residents In-Recovery:  5908

Total Deaths:  81

*Case Counts are provisional as of 3:00 pm on 02.15.2021 and subject to change.

**New cases are included in total case number.

Winter Carbon Monoxide Safety

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration reminds us that colorless, odorless, tasteless carbon monoxide is harmful when breathed because it displaces the oxygen in our blood thereby depriving our heart, brain and other vital organs of oxygen. Large amounts of CO can overcome you in mere minutes and without warning — causing you to lose consciousness and suffocate. The most common symptoms of CO poisoning are headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion.

So what does snow have to do with Carbon Monoxide? Clear the snow from your furnace exhaust and intake pipes during heavy snowfalls. Blocked pipes can result in deadly carbon monoxide gas building up in your house. Also test carbon monoxide detectors to be sure that they are working.  


For more information on the COVID Vaccine in Kendall County, please visit www.kendallhealth.org

Serving the Residents of Kendall County Since 1966
811 W. John Street, Yorkville, IL 60560   •   630-553-9100