811 W. John Street, Yorkville, IL 60560
For 24/7 Mental or Public Health Emergencies, call 630-553-9100
Mon 8:30am - 4:30pm  •  Tue - Thu 8:30am - 7:00pm  •  Fri 8:30am - 4:30pm

Thirdhand Smoke: State of Science and a Call for Policy Expansion

June 8, 2016

"Thirdhand smoke (THS) is the persistent residue generated from aged secondhand
smoke (SHS) that adheres to indoor dust and surfaces and reemits
into the air, which is of concern as a public health hazard. Despite the recent
emergence of THS research findings (compared with 40 years of SHS research),
available evidence supports making greater attempts to eliminate THS from
public places and private residences/cars. We provide a brief overview of the
current knowledge in this area and argue that THS should be considered in
the development of smoke-free policies to reduce tobacco-related morbidity
and mortality."  Click here to read the entire article by Northrup et al. (2016), Public Health Reports.

Serving the Residents of Kendall County Since 1966
811 W. John Street, Yorkville, IL 60560   •   630-553-9100